The art of recruitment (part 1)

The Art of Recruitment


Most of the companies faced a big problem to “Hire Candidates” it is take time to searching for Resumes, Screening, Interview and the hiring process and after all of this process you can find a good caliber but after joining you feel like it is a wrong Selection! So the candidate will be resigned or the Company will terminate him, WHY? Why we always get into this problem, did the problem in the Interviewer himself? OR the candidate had good skills to sell himself? Most of us didn’t find the actual problem for this Mistake. So how can we solve it?

We had 2 kind of interview: First Personal (HR Dep.), Second Technical (Concerned Dep.). In the first interview we still used a very traditional questions How you see yourself After 5 years? Why you want to leave your job? Why should I hire you?……..etc. if you stop 1 min. before you ask this kind of Q, you will find that there is more than 100 best answer over the internet or Google for this Q. and you should know that all of the candidates made research of this Q before his coming J so you will find him Fit and pass from the 1st interview then he will go for the second interview with a positive comment form the HR so the technical will only look for his technicality wise only and if he also fit he will get hired and join your company !!!! Then we get into the problem that this candidate was an excellent in the interviews but on the job He can’t fit…………………..


My advice that there is some homework’s the interviews should do it before any selection, 

1- You should study your company police & procedure

2- You Should Study well your company environment

3- You should study the team that this candidate will join it

4- Study his direct report manager

5- Work spirit

6- Work location


Then you should select the candidate that his personality matched all the above, don’t just look for the best answer for your Q , check his personality if it fir your company or Not replace you Q for ex. What is your dream in future? What you do in your free time? Did you think that you will be happy with or company & why? Try to use your mind not to use you Q and waiting for the best answer. If you Find the personality that matched your company you will get the employees stability in your company  .

Article Author : Joseph Asaad  



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