Why Choose Psychometric Assessments with Tawzef

Why are psychometric tests important?
folderPsychometric Assessments
userKamilia Moataz
clockNovember 28, 2024

It’s 2025 and soft skills are important for most, if not all, jobs at your company. You’ve found the talents you’ve been searching for. They performed well in the interview, their test results were good, but you want to make sure they’re the right fit.

This is where psychometric tests come in. They focus on employee’s cognitive and behavioral skills, ensuring the talents you hire have the right mindset and skills to do the job they were hired to do.

But with so many types of psychometric tests out there, which one should you choose? And why should you select Tawzef for handling psychometric testing? 

Read on to find out. 


Why are psychometric tests important?

Psychometric assessments help managers and recruiters in various ways. 

Companies use psychometric tests to 

  • identify whether potential employees have the needed cognitive, behavioral, and reasoning skills for the role they are trying to fill.
  • uncover whether a senior employee can perform well as a future manager.
  • identify employees’ top skills to see how they can be best utilized within the team and organization.
  • measure general intelligence, along with emotional intelligence.
  • identify potential leaders within the company.
  • identify endurance, especially of highly stressful roles.


In addition, individuals and employees can use psychometric tests to 

  • identify areas of strengths to further develop themselves.
  • identify areas of weakness to improve and overcome.
  • determine most suitable roles for them based on the cognitive abilities (especially early in their career).
  • determine the next steps in their career.
  • learn more about oneself especially when switching careers or looking for new growth opportunities. 

It’s worth mentioning that students may use psychometric tests to uncover the best colleges and learning tracks. 


When to use psychometric assessments?

The main role of a psychometric test is to inform employers, employees, and job seekers about hidden talents and skill sets. 

Companies will often resort to these types of tests for one of the following situations:

  1. Internal promotions 

Performance management, employee development, and career progression are all part of employee retention efforts and business growth.

Companies will often use psychometric tests to see if in-house team members have the skills and potential to grow in the company and taken on managerial roles. 

In this case, companies may use one test or several tests. With Tawzef, your company or team gets a complete walkthrough for the test(s) needed for a particular endeavor.

You don’t have to go through this list to determine your needs, Tawzef does that for you to ensure you can make decisions easily.

It’s worth mentioning that these types of tests also help companies identify leadership potential among applicants and in-house employees.

Further reading: What Is the Difference Between Leadership and Management?


  1. Recruitment or appointment of new managers

Apart from promoting employees internally, deciding to hire a new manager is a challenging requirement. Especially if you have a different type of company culture or niche requirements. 

You’ll also need this test if your new manager needs to manage several teams

Managers need to have strong people skills and be persuasive. They also need to be able to manage themselves before they can manage their team. 

Psychometric tests can help senior executives and directors determine if a person fits the role – from a non-technical perspective.

For example, if you’re trying to hire a marketing manager or director, a psychometric test looks beyond this person’s technical skills. 


  1. Recruitment of HR personnel 

HR professionals need to have strong interpersonal and people skills. Otherwise, it will be hard to perform their roles. 

HR roles involve working with all types of employees around the company. From white collars to blue and grey collars. They may also be responsible from managing partnerships with security personnel and others.

In other words, their ability to build strong relationships and rapport with managers, employees, and third-party providers is critical in their success and the company’s success.

Psychometric testing helps uncover the cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and people skills for HR employees. 


  1. Jobs that focus on social skills 

Some jobs are more about social interpersonal skills, or employability skills, as opposed to technical skills. 

Similarly, some involve technical skills but cognitive and people skills play a bigger role in the success of the employee.

Such roles include project managers, coordinators, business development professionals, among others. 

Psychometric testing is also important for managers, directors, and C-suite roles.


Other tests you can get with Tawzef and Central Test

In the addition to the above, Tawzef also offers a wide range of employment assessments, including 

  • Language skills tests
  • Technical and IT tests
  • Accounting and finance tests
  • General knowledge
  • Manufacturing tests
  • 360 feedback tests 


Why choose Tawzef’s psychometric tests

Tawzef is a trusted partner of the leading French psychometric testing company Central Test. 

Accordingly, Tawzef provides an array of personality and psychometric tests for companies in a range of industries and specialties. 

Companies working with Tawzef can get the psychometric tests service, including various types of psychometric assessments, or combine them with Tawzef’s recruitment services and extensive HR consultancy services.


Types of psychometric tests offered by Tawzef and Central Test include:

  • Personality and attitude tests

These are tests focused on candidates’ and employees’ personality traits. They include work profile, big 5 profile, professional profile, and the ETIX test.

The ETIX test is a work ethic test that evaluates whether an individual may or may not engage in counterproductive work behavior. This test covers 6 behaviors, including discrimination, harassment, and lying. 

According to Central Test, the ETIX psychometric test “[distinguishes] between a person’s attitudes towards themselves and other people. ETIX reveals not only if a person might participate in counterproductive work behavior, but also if they might enable it in others.”

This type of psychometric test is critical for roles involving company secrets such as finance, product development, risk management, among others. This type of test can also contribute to building a positive company culture.


  • Interests and motivations

These types of personality tests explore what drives employees to perform better. They include Vocation, Orientation, and several motivation-related tests.

These tests help organizations improve employee engagement and retention and may contribute to improving team productivity.


  • Management and sales

These are psychometric tests designed to assess the unique skills of potential and current managers as well as salespeople. 

These tests include CTPI-R, Sales profile, and the entrepreneur test.

The CTPI-R test analyzes 19 personality traits for good managers. It gives a complete picture of a leader, how they think, act, and react in different situations.

It’s one of the most important psychometric tests for companies around the world.


  • Emotions management 

There are 2 types of emotions tests. One measures 15 factors based on Goleman’s theory, providing a picture of a candidate’s or employee’s emotional and social capabilities. 

The other offers a reliable diagnosis of stress factors in relation to the job, responsibilities, and work relationships.

This type of test can contribute to understanding whether a potential employee may suffer burnout faster than others in this role.


  • Logic and reasoning tests

These tests are designed for developers, construction and interior designers, engineers, and other roles that involve logical and creative reasoning.

This category of psychometric tests offered by Tawzef include: Reasoning test, Smart logic, numeric, and verbal tests, and spatial reasoning. 

This group of reasoning tests also includes the General Analytical Aptitude Test, or GAAT, which offers an overview of an individual’s communication and problem-solving skills, and their ability to analyze arguments and make objective decisions.


Try psychometric tests with Tawzef

Whether you want to hire a new manager or promote someone in-house, you don’t want to make the wrong decision. It will be costly for your business and your team if this person is the wrong fit. 

A wrong hire, or promotion, can result in a high employee turnover and ultimately hurt your revenues and profits.

Similarly, failing to uncover top employees’ hidden skill sets means not having them work at their full potential. It can also mean they may be in a job that dampens their productivity and unique abilities. 

Imagine having someone crunching numbers when their skill set is building partnerships and increasing sales. They’ll be better off doing what their untapped skills can help them achieve. And so will your company.


If you’re not sure which psychometric tests to use or consider, Tawzef helps you every step of the way. 

From identifying which employees or candidates to test, to the types of psychometric tests needed, to how to proceed after the test and results are delivered.

Tawzef is there for you. Get in touch now!