What Services Do Outsourcing Companies in Egypt Offer?

outsourcing companies in egypt, services & benefits
folderHR Outsourcing
userJoseph Tadros
clockSeptember 21, 2022

Companies today are saddled with more tasks and business requirements than before. This is also the case for new businesses.  

From business registration to payroll to finances, there’s lots to do. But business owners don’t have to do it alone. Whether you’re a small, medium, or large business, outsourcing companies can help.  

It’s best that businesses work with companies operating in the same country. So, if you’re a business in Egypt, working with an outsourcing company in Egypt can help you finalize your registration, taxes, payroll, and other legalities. 

But before you reach out to an outsourcing company, you should know what type of services these companies offer. 

In this article, we’ll be talking about what outsourcing is, the different types of outsourcing, the benefits, and the different services outsourcing companies in Egypt can provide. 


What does outsourcing mean? 

Outsourcing is the process of delegating some of your tasks or activities to another company. Usually, these are activities that don’t form the core of your business and that require an amount of expertise. 

You’ll often find companies hiring an HR or finance person to manage payroll and finance tasks. But the truth is, your company doesn’t have enough work for this person, nor does it have the expenses to hire someone full-time for these requirements.  

And while finance and HR may overlap in some areas, each role comes with its requirements and level of expertise. 

This is where outsourcing companies help. They offer you their expertise, provide you with software – that would be otherwise quite expensive to get – and manage your HR, finance, and admin tasks for you. 

It’s worth noting that sometimes outsourcing is referred to as offshoring. Offshoring refers to the hiring of an outsourcing company outside your home country.  

Offshoring is often used with businesses that outsource their call center or customer support team to another country.  

For example, Vodafone Global outsources its customer support team for Vodafone Germany to Egypt. The team that responds to calls from Vodafone Germany is comprised of Egyptian nationals based in Egypt. This is offshoring.  


Benefits of working with outsourcing companies in Egypt  

Outsourcing companies offer a variety of services and accordingly benefits. Let’s look at the benefits of working with outsourcing firms in general and outsourcing companies in Egypt in particular. 

1.  Save time & money

One of the top reasons businesses turn to outsourcing companies is to save time and money. 

Many business owners – especially new business owners – aren’t aware that their time is money. Literally.  

The more time they spend on administrative tasks and non-core or non-essential tasks, the more time and money they’re losing that they should be investing in growing their business. 

This is where outsourcing companies offer a ton of help. Instead of having managers and business owners struggle with unfamiliar work, outsourcing companies take on these responsibilities and ensure everything is in order. Meanwhile, the business owner can focus on their business.  

By taking away that work load, your time becomes more valuable and better used. This, in turn, save you money because you can hire the company when you need it, thereby cutting unnecessary costs. 


2.  Delegate unfamiliar work 

Many business owners are familiar with the area of their business.  

For example, someone who decides to launch an e-commerce website or mobile app, is more likely familiar with software or e-commerce or marketing or a combination of those.  

But they’re not likely to be familiar with creating a company structure, an HR strategy, a salary-grade system, financials, among other business requirements.  

Outsourcing these tasks and requirements to companies like Tawzef helps you delegate areas you’re not familiar with and at the same time ensure they’re given due care and are delivered in a timely manner. 


3.  Reduces turnover and helps teams focus

Many small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) delegate administrative tasks to their employees, team leaders, and managers.  

Usually, these employees have to divide their time between additional and admin tasks, which they may not be familiar with, and with their actual work.  

The result? Their actual work, what they were hired to do, doesn’t get the due focus it deserves.  

Moreover, employees overloaded with admin usually end up becoming demotivated, struggling with burnout, and leaving. And a high turnover hurts your overall business.  

Outsourcing companies save you and your employees from all that hassle and hard work. By outsourcing tasks, you can ensure your employees, like you, aren’t easily distracted and are more focused on what their work. 


4.  Project-based opportunities

Last but certainly not least, working with an outsourcing company means you can request their service on a per-project basis.  

Whether you want to work with that company for a month, a quarter, a year or more, it depends on your workload and your needs. 

Unlike employees who prefer full-time jobs with steady monthly salaries, outsourcing companies are more flexible.  

At Tawzef, for example, we help businesses based on their needs. We’re here to help you make your work flow and your life easier so you can focus on growing your business. 


Types of outsourced services 

Nearly any service or job can be outsourced. As business, you can outsource one service or several, or even an entire team if needed.  

That said, the most commonly-outsourced types of services are HR services, administrative tasks, legal services, customer support, content and writing services. 

For the purpose of this article, we’ll be focusing on HR outsourcing services which include some legal services. 

Outsourcing companies in Egypt usually provide HR services including payroll and manpower outsourcing. But some companies, like Tawzef, go a step further and offer more. 

At Tawzef, we provide companies with manpower planning and outsourcing, HR strategy, business process outsourcing (BPO), HR services such as payroll and social insurance for employees.  

We also help our clients by providing medical insurance along with some basic legal services such as company registration. 


The majority of businesses delegate one or more of the following operations to outsourcing companies in Egypt: 

outsourcing services

Hiring services

This involves creating jobs, publishing them in several places, screening candidates, and sharing the relevant ones with the business. 

Further reading: 6 Ways Recruitment Agencies in Egypt Can Help Your Business 


This includes managing and paying employees’ salaries, while taking into consideration absences, extra hours (if applicable). Payroll also includes managing social insurance for employees in a company.  

Find out the benefits of working with outsourced payroll providers.


Human resources outsourcing (HRO)

Human resources outsourcing (HRO) is the process of outsourcing your entire HR department or HR function to a third party. This involves transferring functions, responsibility, administrative tasks, management, and risks to the third-party service provider. 

This type of outsourcing may involve having people from the third-party provider operate at your premises or make regular visits. The alternative, and most widely-used option, is that the third-party provider operates from their premises.  

HRO is like getting the full-package of HR services but without hiring or incurring the cost of a new team. 


Financial outsourcing

A common problem SMEs struggle with, especially in Egypt, is opening bank accounts for their employees.  

This is one of the most-requested services from outsourcing companies in Egypt.  

Outsourcing companies, or HR outsourcing companies specifically, are better positioned to create business accounts and open employee bank accounts.


More services by larger outsourcing companies in Egypt 

Some larger outsourcing companies in Egypt like Tawzef provide the above and more.  

For example, Tawzef also provides: 

Call center outsourcing

This is where companies can outsource their entire call center unit and benefit from Tawzef’s partnerships, equipment, and call center system and reporting. 

Whether you have an e-commerce business or need people to conduct sales calls, or even run a temporary survey, Tawzef can help you out.  

Tawzef provides contact center outsourcing solutions for businesses in partnership with Connected-360.

Learn more about call center outsourcing services with Tawzef. 


HR strategy services

One of the aspects of HR that many businesses take of granted is creating a good HR strategy.

Asking the single person who manages your HR needs in your company to create an HR strategy would be doing them a disservice. HR strategies require research, discussion, collaboration, and lots of work. 

That’s why it’s best to work with an outsourcing services company to create your HR strategy and then have your HR person – or the outsourcing company – implement that strategy. 


HR consultations

As businesses grow, their needs grow too. And sometimes, you don’t want an entire HR team but you want directions, someone to help you set up the business structure.  

What you need is an HR consultant or an HR consultancy

HR consultancy companies in Egypt help you manage your company’s growth, its needs, and help you see your future needs. These future needs may include opening new departments and hiring new teams. 



Think of the outsourcing company as your business partner. The best way to reach an agreement is to communicate well.  

Do you have concerns? Questions? Is there a service you need but don’t know how or where to get it? 

Make sure you ask the outsourcing company all the questions you have. Even the ones that you think may not be related to them.  

Outsourcing companies deal with a host of companies and lots of people. They’re bound to have the answer to many of your questions and business needs. 

And the best way to work with an outsourcing company is to ensure constant and clear communication. 

Want to create a pay structure in your company? Need help with HR services? Need an HR consult? 

Get in touch with Tawzef and we’ll be happy to take a load off you and help your business grow. 

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