What is Human resources about?

First of all we need to know the importance of the Human Resources section at any company.

As it’s the backbone of any company, because it deals with the most important resource in the business “People”   , to get the right people in the right places.

We will start with the below question:

What is the human resources management?

Human Recourses is about Recruiting, managing, developing and orienting employees at work, there are five basic function performed in the Human resources will be explained in the below points:

  • Planning: Establishing standers and goals to be achieved; developing rules and the company procedures, even developing plans and for sure forecasting.
  • Organizing: Allocating workloads and tasks by giving each subordinate a specific task , establishing departments and give or delegate the authority to subordinates after that coordinating the work of subordinates .
  • Staffing: Determining what type of people should be hired and selected, recruiting prospective employees , putting performance standers and compensating them, creating evaluation performance form, training and developing the employees.
  • Leading: Getting others to get the job done, how to maintain the morale and motivating the subordinates.
  • Controlling: setting standers, production and quality levels, checking to see how the actual performance compares with these standers, and if it needs to take corrective actions.

The HR plays a strategic role in managing people and the culture ,  environment of the workplace   , how to build a successful company by taking care of the resources as we agreed above “ people”   this is why the human resources is very important section at any company.

Article Author

Neveen Edward .

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