Central Test

Central Test is a French company providing companies & organizations with various assessments that assist in recruitment, coaching, personal development, identifying high potential individuals, team building, skills assessment, training needs, reduction of turnover, and more depending on the seniority level and industry.

About Central Test

Our assessments undergo several years of research and comply with the validation norms in psychometrics established by the American Psychological Association (APA), the British Psychological Society (BPS), and the International Test Commission (ITC). Central Test combines its passion for people and psychometrics by keeping innovation at its core. Our state-of-the-art psychometric solutions are designed using innovative and modern methods that strictly respect the standards in psychometrics and data security. As an assessment expert, we offer modern solutions along with quality services that are recognised and appreciated worldwide by our clients. We provide multilingual training and consulting relevant to current HR challenges and tailored to the needs of our clients.


Central Test Services


Personality And Attitude Tests


Management And Sales Tests


Interests And Motivation Tests


Reasoning Tests


Management Emotions Tests