CTPI-R - Assess work personality and management skills

CTPI-R is an assessment tool that allows you to assess personality traits, values, and skills specific to the exercise of managerial and supervisory functions. This assessment measures 19 personality traits associated with 21 key behavioural competencies.

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Assessment Level

Executives And Managers


English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Arabic, Portuguese, And Turkish

Number of Questions



25-30 Minutes

Assessment Objective

Career management
Skills assessment

Key Features

Thinking and working styles scores

Social Desirability Indicator

Managerial Potential Indicator

Comparison of the candidate’s profile with the

competency model of the organisation

The assessment examines 19 factors categorized into 4 dimensions:

People management: Control/Power – Affiliation – Tactical – Assertiveness – Trust – Developing others

Perception mode: Conscientiousness – Rational – Rule conscious

Self-management: Self-confidence – Lively – Emotional stability – Optimism – Surpassing – Commitment

Change management: Visionary – Action-orientated – Adaptability – Experimental

Sample Question

I give more value to:

•Intuition and flair •Logic and reason

Report Presentation

Graphical and tabular presentation of the profile
Personalised comments
Matches profiles with 21 key behavioural competencies
Matching of the candidate’s profile with the competency model of the organisation

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