3 common mistakes for applying a job

Today is yours, the chance comes once and you have your own decision to achieve your goals. All of us looking for building our careers, but not all can achieve goals or dreams. When you apply for vacancy in any organization and just you got accepted the first day in the company your brain start’s to build the career and finding the ways to achieve dreams and goals, but how it’s going to be true while you fall in the mistakes when you applied. The most of candidates even if they fresh graduates or experienced have passion to start a career and they send their resumes and waiting for respond, but they got shocked when they found no respond and they say “we did what we should do, but the problem come’s from the companies” but in fact it comes from them Let me tell you the three common mistakes what it is to avoid it in the future

The first mistake is experience   

Before you decide to apply for vacancy you should first see how many years of experience do you have and does it match the requirement of the job or not?

Let me give you an example to make it clear for you. If you have three years of experience and the vacancy require one year you will never be accepted because you are overqualified for the job and your salary scale is bigger than this vacant so applying  in job needs your scale of experience and even if you got hired you will feel all the time that you are bigger than the chair that you sitting on it .

The second mistake is skills and features

Some of vacancies required special skills and you haven’t any one of them so why do you apply?!! if the vacancy is security and the feature is should be body building and your body is not fit with the job so why did you applied? “Job is like a suit wears the one that fit with you “

The third one is location and distance

This is really common nowadays that candidate apply for job in company so far from him. Let me give you an example, you leave in Giza and the company located in 5th settlement, Cairo. What do you think you will be accepted absolutely no why? Because you will never stand a long time to go every day this distance between your home and company. In the same time the HR who responsible for hiring will never hire you because he will think that you just want temporary job and the next open chance which will be nearest to you, you will leave them so you will be not accepted


Finally there are many mistakes we can discuss it, but these are the most common that candidate’s fall in it.

Article Author : Mina Nathan

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